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A fractional COO can be a game-changer for small businesses, providing operational and strategic management on a flexible, cost-effective basis.

The fact is, finding the hidden profits in your business is about knowing where to make the small adjustments. For that, you need help from someone with an outside perspective and a lot of experience.


Bringing a COO (Chief Operations Officer) in to help dig up all that hidden profit can result in more benefits than you might expect. A Fractional COO serves as your year-round quarterback, keeping your operational management activities humming, and, to ensure you’re seeing the real financial position of your company.

You don’t have to settle for lack of clarity or unanswered questions. Besides finding the money you’ve been missing, a COO can help you:

• Save the money you already have – A consulting CFO uses a fraction of the time an on-staff CFO works and allows you a high-caliber professional at a "fraction" of the cost.

• Gain flexibility – A fractional arrangement allows you to tailor your COO’s services to your business’s needs. And as your needs change, you can adjust the level of service you receive. You may need the COO more while you’re establishing controls and creating systems and scale back after, or transition to strategic planning or larger projects.

• Access more experience and skill – A fractional CFO generally comes to you with much more experience and skill than you can afford in a full-time employee. You’ll have access to the training, perspective, contacts and know-how of a professional with many years of experience.

• See your business from an independent perspective – As CEO of your company, the one thing you need in a COO is someone who can see what is really happening, tell you the unbiased truth and what to do about it.

• Get solutions faster: Based on my extensive experience, I've likely seen the same problem you’re facing many times before. I come ready to solve problems and get you results quickly.


I step in to help frustrated business owners achieve clarity, take back control, tame the chaos, and find the profits they’ve been missing. 


We find root causes of the issues that slow you down so that you and your leadership team will have more time to devote to working on the things that fuel your passion for the work you do.


All for a fraction of the cost of a full time executive.


To find out how our Fractional COO services can help your business. simply fill in the form and I'll send you a short questionnaire and a link to book a call with me to discuss the best option for you.

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