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Problem     Solution             Sessions

Struggling with Operational Bottlenecks?


My one-off Problem Solution Sessions may be just the ticket to help you solve your biggest and most pressing problems keeping you awake at night.


  1. Profit Leak Overhaul: profit and revenue growth solutions for you and your team.

  2. Cash flow playbook: Control of cash flow is a major key to business success to ensure that the flow of cash is always positive.

  3. Team performance issues: a system for the creation and engaging of a high performing team.

  4. Business Sales Playbook: Optimise your sales process for maximum sales results (without spending more on marketing)

  5. Business Ideas Sounding Board: discuss, analyse and critique your next big business breakthrough. 

  6. Business Time saver: The AI tools and automations you need to streamline your business and save hours (and $$) every day.  


Not sure what you need to focus on next? Book a time with Ian to discuss the best option for you.


What you get


A half-day coaching workshop with me to solve your most pressing problem in your business.


To prepare for the meeting, I will get you to fill out an in-depth overview of your business and the area that you need help with - this allows us to get straight into the work when we meet.


On the day we will go through a structured process with workbook so that you walk away from the session with a completed workbook, and step by step blueprint, templates and any tools you need to make it happen easily and simply.


You will also have access to voxer and email support from me to answer any questions or overcome any roadblocks to make sure it happens.


The Investment:    $1497


The ROI?   Priceless! We have just solved the biggest problem in your business! (on the very marginal chance it didn't happen as agreed, I will work with you until it is successful).  

Business Meeting at Small Table

Let's Get Started

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